Tag Archives: energy tea

Food & Drink
Good Clean Energy!

SweatTheStyle_runa_teaKeeping your energy up during the day can sometimes be a challenge. While studies show exercise is a great way to fight fatigue and gain energy sometimes we need a quick fix. Runa tea to the rescue! Runa was created using a leaf called Guayusa, which is an Amazonian super-leaf naturally packed with caffeine, polyphenols, and 15 essential amino acids which provides clean, focused energy. With the same caffeine content as coffee, and double the antioxidants as green tea, Runa tea contains no tannins and therefore lacks the bitter taste sometimes associated with green and black teas. Instead, it tastes smooth and naturally sweet.

Runa Tea is a great way to start your morning or to use as an afternoon pick me up! Compounds in Guayusa give you sustained and focused energy without using harsh chemicals that cause you to burn out later. Runa Tea is a great clean and organic way to add some pep to your step.

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